Developmental Milestones
603 East Call Street ◊ Starke, FL 32091 ◊ 904-964-8900 ◊ 904-964-5309


When do I need to make a referral to a Speech Therapist?


Speech and Language

Developmental Milestones


Birth to 3 Months

Four Months

Six Months

Nine Months

12 Months

18 Months

24 Months

36 Months

3-4 Years


Birth to 3 Months

turns head toward sound

soothes with cuddling and by calm, gentle voices

enjoys being held and tickled

chuckles, coos, cries, gurgles, grunts and says "ah"

moves body in response to voice

strong cheek and tongue muscles


Four Months

laughs with play

reaches for toys

grabs objects/toys

watches your face with interest


Six Months

babbles more than two sounds

Red Flag-does not look at the person speaking to them

does not notice or startle to sounds


Nine Months

looks for a hidden toy

says "mama" "baba" or "dada"

understands bye bye, give me and their own name

Red Flag-does not produce repetitive syllables like "mama"


12 Months

says one or two words

enjoys being read to


sings with radio or television

Red Flag-does not maintain eye contact or attention to speaker

does not look at familiar people when named

does not understand simple questions


18 Months

understand questions like where is your nose?

nods for "yes" and shakes for "no"

says 20 words

knows the names of things

plays with other children

Red Flag-does not use at least 20 words


24 Months

puts two or three words together

says at least 50 words

recognizes familiar pictures and books

engages in pretend play

says "mine"

follows simple directions

asks "what is" "where is" questions

Red Flag-does not use at least 50 words

does not identify body parts

does not understand commands (actions) without gestures


36 Months

speaks in at least three-word sentences

uses at least 200 words, usually too many to count

responds to other feelings

answers simple questions "what is your name?"

"Which one do we eat with?"

Follows directions like "put your doll under the table"

Red Flag-does not use at least 200 words

cannot be understood by caregiver/family

cannot produce vowel sounds and consonants such as p, b, m and w in words

becomes frustrated when asked to repeat


3-4 Years

follows two-step related directions

tells first and last name

reasons "what do you do when you are hungry?"

can tell a short story

gives directions

asks "WH" (who, what, when, where, why) questions

can answer questions about a story

uses 3-5 word sentences

Red Flag-cannot be understood by unfamiliar listeners

cannot pronounce t,d,k,g,f

becomes frustrated when asked to repeat

does not understand comparisons

does not make inferences

cannot use short grammatically correct sentences



When do I need to make a referral to an Occupational Therapist?


Fine Motor Developmental Milestones



Birth to 3 Months

Four Months

Six Months

Nine Months

12 Months

15 Months

18 Months

24 Months

36 Months


Birth to 3 Months

turns head from side to side

kicks feet

moves hands, brings hands to mouth

pushes up head and chest when on tummy

moves body actively in response to voice

Red Flag-does not watch moving objects


Four Months

rolls from stomach to back

has good head control

reaches for a toy

grasps objects/toys


Six Months

moves objects from hand to hand

sits but may need some support

grasps objects with thumb and finger

Red Flag-does not roll over


Nine Months

throws toys or objects

pulls self up, stands while holding on

feeds self finger foods such as cereal

Red Flag-unable to sit without support


12 Months

pulls self up and stands

presses buttons on phone, toys, etc.

Red Flag-unable to stand alone


15 Months

walks without support

stacks at least three blocks

Red Flag-Unable to walk without help


18 Months

walks well

runs a little

scribbles with a crayon or pencil

prefers to feed self

squats to pick up toys

Red Flag-does not squat or bend to pick up toys/objects


24 Months

kicks a large ball

can jump in place

Red Flag-unable to do any of the above tasks


36 Months

feeds self

walks up steps

completes 3-4 piece puzzle independently

Red Flag-Shows no interest in potty training